Saturday, April 2, 2011

Project Gunwalker and giving credit where credit is due.

It has been quite a while sense I posted in my Blog so I thought I would post something.

Many of the Lamestream media for the last 3 months have avoided the story of Project Gunwalker. Of the one who have said something about it, they have put their usual Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell anti-gun spin, and yes even Fox News has avoided this issue like the plague.

I believe in giving credit where credit is due and it is due with interest to Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea, the real question is, will they get the proper recognition for their efforts? I really don’t think so because the Lamestream medias regard them as low life bloggers and not true Authorized Urnalists. If it was not for these two, other bloggers, and the hand full of ATF agents who saw the wrong the ATF was engaged in, the world would just be going about their lazy busyness of complacency.

The Lamestream media such as communist news network (CNN), MSNBC, ABC and many news rags like the New York slimes, would be telling you that you can only believe that the ATF is doing a great job of stifling the rights of free Americans, and that they need more money and manpower to further their Gestapo tactics against Law Abiding citizens. Of course this is all under the control of the Department of InJustice, which is controlled by Homeland Insecurity, who is under the thumb of osamaobama and his group of elite tyrants in government.

For years I have avoided many of these Lamestream medias due to their socialist leaning beliefs, and this included CBS. Sense CBS was willing to take on the issues of Project Gunwalker to the airwaves and I personally believe at great risk. They have moved up a few notches in my book of responsible news medias. Sheryl Attkisson not only did a great job of investigating, and reporting this scandal but she is dam nice to look at too. Though it took quite a while for CBS to get on this bandwagon, they did come through.

Other noted Bloggers such as David Workman and Kurk Hofmann, along with others that I just can not remember have aided in this story by helping to keep the ball rolling with their own columns in the Examiner. Many thanks to all who helped spread the word and to the ATF agents who risked everything to shed light on something I believe got out of hand in the upper ranks of oppressive task masters in government. Yes there are some good ATF agents with hart and soul to do the right thing, and many are not the enemy of the pro-gunners but only wish to keep the bad guys from reeking havoc on the innocent in society.
